It's time to put some attention on all the problems and events that every day surrounds us and don't give them importance. If you go walking, driving, on the bus or other way and see a problem, take it a photo and send me to my e-mail that I will post, for everyone to know.
1 sept 2014
1 ago 2014
26 jul 2014
Increase the problems on Veracruz's streets
All the streets have damages as potholes, hydraulic logs without their caps, speed bumps, things that obstruct the pass and other things that day to day increase the list of this problems in the streets.
Whatever the problem, this situations need a solution of priority from others that the Mayor doesn't put attention.
In the photo, we have a huge pothole covering almost all the street, this situacion are in the colony "Las Brisas" in the Sierra Araras street, near the sports. Neighbors argue that they have always the same problem of this street and never do something for them.
So what happening?, we don't have only this problem, we have a lot problems around our city. In my opinion, I suggest that our Mayor should take decisions for helping everyone in the colonies and not just in downtown.
Do you think that our Mayor are doing a good job?
Share us!
8 jul 2014
Lagoon's Lizard in incredibles conditions!
Lizard's Lagoon are one of the most biggest wetlands, here in Veracruz and one of the places that most people visit like seniors, children, adults, teen and pets for go to run or walk during the day.

Although on this vacation, I am going to run around of the lagoon for return my condition that I have lost, but it's unbelievable that you can't running, because the running lanes are in bad conditions and the green areas are not pruned.
Other situation that I noticed was the electric logs, I found two electric logs without their caps, that is so dangerous for the people that visit this lagoon, due that can enter a person on those electric logs and more the kids.
Maybe the caps were stolen or destroyed for conditions that we don't know, but the authorities need to fix it, as quickly possible, before we have a terrible accident.
In the collage of photos that I have taken, you going to see the conditions that I mentioned in the paragraphs before about these problems.
Please your opinion its so important for me, share us!
4 jul 2014
13 jun 2014
Speed bumps ghost
Have you ever braking heavily for not having seen a speed bumps?
The ninety percent, of their answers it could be Yes!.Due to all the streets that have speed bumps, they don't have the correct signage. Producing the increase of more accidents nowadays.
Needy people for getting some coins, painted the speed bumps, this type of things help for drivers to see them and avoiding the accidents.But this homework is of the municipal authorities, our city need attention, inasmuch as the signage in general of streets have disappeared.
So, what should we do?Requiring a solution for our problems.
2 jun 2014
9 may 2014
Veracruz's boulevard
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Mermaid statue |
In holidays in Veracruz the boulevard is the place that leads to tourist appreciate the beaches, the sea, the monuments and sculpture that we have in all the seaside. Sometimes they love to know about the culture we have here. Although we don't put of our part for this situations, please see this picture that I took in the boulevard:
So what happening with us?
Why people need to destroy part of our city? Perhaps they don't have the values imparted from children, but those acts affect to all us.Other important point today is the garbage, we have the bad habit of throwing garbage out of place. We never think, the damage that we do it and our earth planet.
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Garbage |
Therefore we must care all that this city give us and try to improve it. All of this is for improve our presentation from other countries have about us. Every weekend, we should try to clean our neighborhood and plant more trees in zones that need it and that not affect anybody.
What do you think about those topics?
2 may 2014
25 abr 2014
The same problem with this pothole again!
Do you remember the post " Meet a new pothole!"?
Well now looks like this:
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Playa Bella Vista Street near Lagoon of lizards |
In a way it is a great advance as it looks, now just the big cars can pass but normal cars not!, so we have this problem yet.
I don't know what is happening and why this street have been with this problem since almost 3 months. It is a busy street so the authorities need to find a solution before we have a car accident or other thing worse.
During the administration of the mayoress Carolina Gudiño Corro, she inaugurated this street, because before it was awful and change it for concrete paviment to all the street, and now it have this problem, much effort for nothing, come on!
Please I need your opinions, do not forget of leave your comment if you visit my blog.
16 abr 2014
Controversy for increase of urban passage in Veracruz
Who have the authority in Veracruz?
In these days, we have the increment of urban passage, being of one peso more of normal. It is inevitable that the authorities said: "That increase is unofficial", but today continue to charge nine normal and six for students. Drivers did in this holiday period, because they know that students can not do anything, but not, yesterday the students were manifested in Rafel Cuervo street for this increase. After that, transit police verified every bus and if them had charged more of normal, the transit police removed of them the bus. That happened yesterday, but today continue charging more. Simply, take a photo if you can of the drivers ad and the number of bus.
So, what we can do with this situation?
And send me to my email this data, I will report it to 066 that they going to take action on the matter.
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Drivers' ad: this is unofficial |
13 abr 2014
Sargassum seaweed on Veracruz beaches
Spring Break have arrived and we need to relax, so I recommend you to go to a river, the beaches, pools, travel or anywhere you want to go, just be relax and try to forget all your problems.
But please see this photo of one the beaches of Veracruz:
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Marti's beach with sargassum in Veracruz |
Unbelievably but this is the status of the beaches of Veracruz in this spring break.
The beaches are full of Sargassum seaweed and the people can not to swim, due to magnitude of this problem. I would like to the authorities put more attention in this situations because, what is the image that we are putting to tourists of our city?
Today we had volunteers that helped to lift that sargassum that was around fifty ton of them and there is still more.
So what is your opinion of this natural phenomena that do of our city looks horrible?
1 abr 2014
22 mar 2014
Students and seniors do not exist on Sundays!
Sounds weird, but it is true. Now the students and seniors should pay half ticket only from Monday to saturday and will not only affect the Sundays, also holidays and vacation, according to the following statement of the buses. If you take a bus you will see this ad:
So now we need to follow this agreement, due to the authorities only could do that for us.
Ugly truth!, isn't it?
15 mar 2014
Meet a new pothole!
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Playa Bella Vista Street near Lagoon of lizards |
You can see all in the picture!, this problem was well for about one month and obstructed a lane street. Other thing that I want that you check is the signs of this pothole for the drivers need to be careful. I think that only this signs put into distress the drivers and can create an accident. In weekdays when I pass through this street for go yo my school, I realized that chaos is horrible, due to only have one lane.
And what is your opinion about it, share us
1 mar 2014
Super, super pothole!
It's incredible that we continued having this type of problems and more at side street of a junior school. This pothole is about 4 meters long and almost practically is all the street. Neighbors said this problem have time and at night is very difficult to transit by car and more when raining. Parents that leave for their sons and daugthers or go to pick them from the school, they have the same problem and they can't to pass in street with their cars. People believe that never they will fix their street, because they have this problem since 3 years.
Too long, isn't it?!, I'd say, that this people need to help for this street as quickly as possible.
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Secondary Federal 4 is located in colony Astilleros on Playa Barriles and Playa Quebrada streets. |
Do you have the same problem in your street?If you have, please send me your data with a picture that I going to post more situations that we have and always they ignore us.
Phrase of the month "March"
Nowadays this phrase have all the reason:
"We need a more friendly society with the environment"
Each month, I am going to post phrases that we need to know and put in practice, due that is necessary for everybody. If you want to help with the phrases, send it to me at my e-mail that I want to post it.
22 feb 2014
This crossing streets are always with a great damage!
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In the crossing streets Zapote and Ursulo Galván |
One more time, I see one of the most streets traveled, that needs to be fixed as quickly as possible. Every time that I have passed for this streets, never finished to count the potholes that it has, and you can check it on the picture shown below.
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The part on Ursulo Galván that has more damage! |
As I mentioned in a publication before, many people throw away construction's rubble and are used as filler for those potholes, sometimes the people do it for help us and also for them, because they ask a cooperation and if you can to give them, do it!.
Maybe you say: Nobody forces them to do that and I won't cooperate for them!.
But come on!, they are doing us a favor and not the authorities that are responsable for maintain the streets in good condition.
So in this case you are agree to cooperate or in disagree?
I hope your answer!
15 feb 2014
Yesterday the student community along with the traffic police stopped the buses.
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Disregard these ads, pay as corresponds. |
A close friend said me that yesterday in the Miguel Aleman street, by side of auditorium Benito Juárez, had a protest for student community, where the traffic police joined with them and started to remove all the ads inside of buses that said about tickets prices of students and seniors on weekend.This action was excellent by authorities; so from today, the buses must charge the ticket both students and seniors.
Today I haven't taken any bus yet, to see if they are complying but if they don't respect the prices, please score their car number and also if its possible take them a photo, that I go to post the buses that are abusing of the autorithies.
7 feb 2014
21 days without do anything for us!
Continuos the contingency with students and seniors every weekend, today we comply 21 days with this situation, where in the news report us, that is not authorized and the buses drivers should charge half ticket, but the drivers ignore and continue with their condition.
The worse part of this is that people oppose and drivers are very rude with them, almost they pushing down of their bus to people or sometimes disrespect us and this is a grave situation that authorities must stop as soon as possible.
Once I was in the bus on the weekend, a lady took this bus and she paid half ticket but the driver said that on the weekend, he just accept normal tickets, the lady answer was that she only had it five pesos and she can not pay more, well the driver stopped the bus and said us that he will not move until the lady pay all, everybody got angry and one of the passenger rose from his seat for paying the ticket for the lady and he gave him ten pesos and the driver accepted but when he would return the change, the passenger said to the driver stay with the change, you need it more!
Every weekend cases like this, we find, so if you passed or witnessed, share us please that we need to show it to community, that is happening in Veracruz.
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All the buses have this paper that doesn't have stamp with signature of the authority. |
3 feb 2014
Damage in the street everywhere!
Río Chumpan and Río Magdalena, in the colony Rio Medio, Veracruz are examples the streets that they have potholes and damage for lack maintenance or the poor quality of the pavement. This type of streets affect a lot cars' wheels and their pocket, because nowadays fix a flat tire or damaged is expensive. Sometimes people who have some construction's rubble, use it as filler for those potholes and help lot for the situation.
During the rainy season it gets worse, Why?, due the holes are filled and it´s so difficult see them.
Instances like this we see everyday in all the streets, so take a minute and observe your street nearest and if your street has potholes o damage, please share us and send me pictures with name street, that I will publish about it.
26 ene 2014
Parks without ilumination
Nowadays the illumination in parks and streets, it's a big problem that increase a lot. People are very tired to go with the authorities and complaint this problem that them don't fix nothing. This situation gets worse because the bad people and thieves start to take this places as point easy for steal.
In my case this park that you see in the photo, the children don't play at night, due to that malandros drink of all and often they have fights very dangerous, but my neighborhood don't do it anything. Marine sometimes come or pass for my neighborhood, but lack of lighting, the malandros hide in the park and the marine don't see them.
So what is happening now?
The authorities need to see dead people or more violence for take action on the matter.
Or what we need to do for improve this problem?
Write us your opinion.
In this photos, have been taken for you will compare how looked the park at night and at midday
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Río Medio, Veracruz. |
20 ene 2014
Broken traffic light, really?
With the new traffic lights, was supposed that they will work better and avoid the accidents. Well it is not; our streets continue with old and broken traffic lights. This change only took place in principal avenues and not in colonies that it is very neccesary. But two days ago, I noticed that one of the principal avenues, this traffic light was broken. So what's up?
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Changing old traffic lights, for Puerto's Mall. |
Traffic lights are very important to avoid accidents, but this problem is more common everyday in different places.
So, What is your opinion??
Share us and don't forget if you see cases like these, contact me on my e-mail(it's on the end of this page) and I going it to post in this blog.
18 ene 2014
Another benefit that remove the student community and seniors on weekend.
Today I took a bus and sometimes I show them my student card, but today pass me something different, due with the new laws of president of México; the driver told me, that from January first, all the weekends and holidays as indicated on the school calendar, the students and seniors, they must to pay normal ticket.
Why is the reason??
Well, they told me that is the way of don't increase the passage and help us only the weekdays.In a way I understand them, because also gasoline and others products have increased for the new reforms and they need to recover the amount spent. But this also affect to the students that have clases in weekend and more for the seniors that don't have the resources.
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Source: |
So you are agree or disagree with this situacion??
Share us your opinion and don't forget if you see cases like these, contact me on my e-mail(it's on the end of this page) and I going it to post in this blog.
Welcome to Processing!
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