25 abr 2014

The same problem with this pothole again!

Do you remember the post " Meet a new pothole!"?

Well now looks like this:

Playa Bella Vista Street near  Lagoon of lizards

In a way it is a great advance as it looks, now just the big cars can pass but normal cars not!, so we have this problem yet.
I don't know what is happening and why this street have been with this problem since  almost 3 months. It is a busy street so the authorities need to find a solution before we have a car accident or other thing worse.
During the administration of the mayoress Carolina Gudiño Corro, she inaugurated this street, because before it was awful and change it for concrete paviment to all the street, and now it have this problem, much effort for nothing, come on!

Please I need your opinions, do not forget of leave your comment if you visit my blog.

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