25 abr 2014

The same problem with this pothole again!

Do you remember the post " Meet a new pothole!"?

Well now looks like this:

Playa Bella Vista Street near  Lagoon of lizards

In a way it is a great advance as it looks, now just the big cars can pass but normal cars not!, so we have this problem yet.
I don't know what is happening and why this street have been with this problem since  almost 3 months. It is a busy street so the authorities need to find a solution before we have a car accident or other thing worse.
During the administration of the mayoress Carolina Gudiño Corro, she inaugurated this street, because before it was awful and change it for concrete paviment to all the street, and now it have this problem, much effort for nothing, come on!

Please I need your opinions, do not forget of leave your comment if you visit my blog.

16 abr 2014

Controversy for increase of urban passage in Veracruz

Who have the authority in Veracruz?

In these days, we have the increment of urban passage, being of one peso more of normal. It is inevitable that the authorities said: "That increase is unofficial", but today continue to charge nine normal  and six for students. Drivers did in this holiday period, because they know that students can not do anything, but not, yesterday the students were manifested in Rafel Cuervo street for this increase. After that, transit police verified every bus and if them had charged more of normal, the transit police removed of them the bus. That happened yesterday, but today continue charging more. Simply, take a photo if you can of the drivers ad and the number of bus.

So, what we can do with this situation?

And send me to my email this data, I will report it to 066 that they going to take action on the matter.

Drivers' ad: this is unofficial

13 abr 2014

Sargassum seaweed on Veracruz beaches

Spring Break have arrived and we need to relax, so I recommend you to go to a river,  the beaches, pools, travel or anywhere you want to go, just be relax and try to forget all your problems.

But please see this photo of one the beaches of  Veracruz:

Marti's beach with sargassum in Veracruz

Unbelievably but this is the status of the beaches of Veracruz in this spring break.
The beaches are full of Sargassum seaweed and the people can not to swim, due to magnitude of this problem. I would like to the authorities put more attention in this situations because, what is the image that we are putting to tourists of our city?
Today we had volunteers that helped to lift that sargassum that was around fifty ton of them and there is still more.

So what is your opinion of this natural phenomena that do of our city looks horrible?