22 feb 2014

This crossing streets are always with a great damage!

In the crossing streets Zapote and Ursulo Galván

One more time, I see one of the most streets traveled, that needs to be fixed as quickly as possible. Every time that I have passed for this streets, never finished to count the potholes  that it has, and you can check it on the picture shown below.

The part on Ursulo Galván that has more damage!

As I mentioned in a publication before, many people throw away construction's rubble and are used as filler for those potholes, sometimes the people do it for help us and also for them, because they ask a cooperation and if you can to give them, do it!.
Maybe you say: Nobody forces them to do that and I won't cooperate for them!.
But come on!, they are doing us a favor and not the authorities that are responsable for maintain the streets in good condition.

So in this case you are agree to cooperate or in disagree?
I hope your answer!

15 feb 2014

Yesterday the student community along with the traffic police stopped the buses.

Disregard these ads, pay as corresponds.

A close friend said me that yesterday in the Miguel Aleman street, by side of auditorium Benito Juárez, had a protest for student community, where the traffic police joined with them and started to remove all the ads inside of buses that said about tickets prices of students and seniors on weekend.This action was excellent by authorities; so from today, the buses must charge the ticket both students and seniors.

Today I haven't taken any bus yet, to see if they are complying but if they don't respect the prices, please score their car number and also if its possible take them a photo, that I go to post the buses that are abusing of the autorithies.

7 feb 2014

21 days without do anything for us!

Continuos the contingency with students and seniors every weekend, today we comply 21 days with this situation, where in the news report us, that is not authorized and the buses drivers  should charge half ticket, but the drivers ignore and continue with their condition.
The worse part of this is that people oppose and drivers are very rude with them,  almost they pushing down of their bus to people or sometimes disrespect us and this is a grave situation that authorities must stop as soon as possible.

Once I was in the bus on the weekend, a lady took this bus and she paid half ticket but the driver said that on the weekend, he just accept normal tickets, the lady answer was that she only had it five pesos and she can not pay more, well the driver stopped the bus and said us that he will not move until the lady pay all, everybody got angry and one of the passenger rose from his seat for paying the ticket for the lady and he gave him ten pesos and the driver accepted but when he would return the change, the passenger said to the driver stay with the change, you need it more!

Every weekend cases like this, we find, so if you passed or witnessed, share us please that we need to show it to community, that is happening in Veracruz.

All the buses have this paper that doesn't have stamp with signature of the authority.

3 feb 2014

Damage in the street everywhere!

Río Chumpan and Río Magdalena, in the colony Rio Medio, Veracruz are examples the streets that  they have potholes and damage for lack maintenance or the poor quality of the pavement. This type of streets affect a lot cars' wheels and their pocket, because nowadays fix a flat tire or damaged is expensive. Sometimes people who have some construction's rubble, use it as filler for those potholes and help lot for the situation. 

During the rainy season it gets worse, Why?, due the holes are filled and it´s so difficult see them.

Instances like this we see everyday in all the streets, so take a minute and observe your street nearest and if your street has potholes o damage, please share us and send me pictures with name street, that I will publish about it.